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May Pageant Committee
Pageant Day

A fun family day out, come rain or shine, well supported by residents of Walton-on-the-Hill and the surrounding areas of Tadworth, Kingswood and Epsom.

Walton-on-the-Hill May Pageant Day & Fayre begins early in the morning when the local shopkeepers and residents on the Procession Route decorate their premises to the Procession Theme. 

Judging of the Best Dressed Shop Display, Best Dressed Home, Best Display Along The Route and Best Dressed Pub takes place at 12 noon on Pageant Day by the reigning May Queen with two other judges.

As Youngs Brewery Dray is no longer able to attend.  we have an excellent replacement with Billy O'Halloran's Tractor.  We all assemble outside The Blue Ball and the colourful Procession sets off for the Pageant Green at 2pm, led by the fancy dress ponies followed by the tractor carrying the May Queen and her Attendants.

Many groups take part in the Procession to the Fayre Green including The Town Crier, local schools and clubs, dance groups, plus other attractions such as the Marching Band, Santa Fe Stage Coach, Harley Davidson Bike Club and Morris Dancers.

On arrival at the Pageant Green the Marching Band will lead the new May Queen into the Arena for the Crowning Ceremony while the local press take photographs.

After the crowning the Arena Programme begins, comprising: Maypole Dancing by the 1st Walton on the Hill Brownie Pack followed by performances from local dance groups,  entertainers, Terrier Racing, the Raffle Draw, and, finally, a Fun Dog Show.

Outside the Arena the Fayre is in full swing with Craft and Charity Stalls, refreshments (The Open Group Tea Tent, Beer, Pimms & Prosecco Tent,  BBQ , Ice Cream Vans & Donut Van), entertainment (Face Painting, Roundabout Rides, Bunjee Trampolines, Western Town, Punch & Judy, Coconut Shy .......et al), and, not forgetting, the portable loos!

Walton-on-the-Hill May Pageant Day closes with music by El Rocco DJ from 5.30 to 6.30pm. Phew!